Daria Glower

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Daria Glower
Daria Glower
Birthday:May 13, 1981
Astrological Sign:Taurus
Birth location:Czech Republic
Years Active:2002-2009
Height:5'4" (162 cm)
Weight:132 lbs. (59 kg)
Eye color:Brown
Hair color:Red
Tattoos:lizard (?) on right shoulder blade; circling navel
Alias(es):Diana, Daria Glover, Daria
No. of films:132
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Long after you've read the rules and you've mastered the mechanics, fate sometimes steps in and changes it all. Someone arrives on the scene with a fresh face, a new skill set, and a new approach to an old game. For the adult industry, Daria Glower might very well be the girl who does just that.

This sizzling hot firebrand from the Czech Republic has taken porn back to the future with her gorgeous, hourglass figure, sexy ass, full bush, and amazingly large, real breasts. She is as nature intended and is a natural in front of the camera. Daria’s organic brand of sensuality is in stark contrast to, and a welcome change from, the glut of plastic faced, pomp and pluck that passes for beauty in the industry these days. And, her love of oral, anal, and solo sex among other things, along with her insatiable taste for cum is the perfect sorbet to cleanse your palette of the shadowy, cheap and disposable dreck that threatens to crowd out the bright light of one of the true talents like Daria.

Daria is a breath of fresh air in a dense atmosphere of sameness. Tilt your head back and inhale deeply her stunning beauty.

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