Freak Safari
If the internet is the "information highway" Freak Safari is an accident clogging traffic in the left hand lane. Have you ever wondered why Carlos Mencia, Bono, Christian Extremists, etc. suck so bad? Find the answer at Freak Safari. Created by an egomaniacal personality which could overshadow Kim Il Jung, this site is equally determined to piss you off as well as to get you to laugh. It also has an excellent article on how to have sex, assuming that you only want to have sex once in your life.
The site also features a "message board" which was created by, and run by, people of questionable morals and even more questionable sexual proclivities The Freak Safari Message Board (FSMB) seeks to answer that perennial question: "Whatever happened to that asshole that sat behind me in homeroom in high school?"
You can find that answer on the FSMB.
The posters write about a variety of subjects, including sexual conquests, sexual disasters, fetishes, fucked up ancestory, beating children, beating adults, and beating small furry animals. It is a chat room based on revelling on the misery and failure of others.
The posters themselves are in need of therapy. And the FSMB is that therapy session. This is not your typical "I'm okay, you're ok" feel good type of a place. It is more along the lines of "I'm fucked up, but you're REALLY fucked up, so I'm better than you" kind of a place.
Posters create screen names ranging from the common "IamRob" - the creator of FreakSafari and the attendant message board to more colorful names. Avatars (small pictures that appear on every post) are also the source of comedy. In some cases, but not many.
The posters are either rewarded or punished through the administration of reputation and asshole points. Every poster claims that they do not care about this function, however, they are all full of shit on this point.
The one shining point of the FSMB is its insistence on honesty. Poseurs are not allowed, nor are liars and those looking to create a better online persona than the shit persona they have in real life. Looking to better yourself? Don't come here, watch Dr. Phil.