Official Site - Lick-it
Lick-it is a free porn site of Bliss web group that is notable because it is based in France and is ran by a Frenchmen team you are therefore excused for expecting links to some steamy French porn. This website is totaly geotargeted and all content are in french and english.
Traffic of lick-it come from 25% search engine, 25% directly, 50% traffic trade.
User Experience
Lick-it got a very interesting pink design cut in 3 parts,one left, and right menu, on central content Under the video you have all pornstar of the vid and you can see the biographie, lick-it got pornstar database (over 1000)
Site Detail
Price: Free.
Videos: Video is streamed. Over 1300 hosted videos and 22 000 external videos.
Pictures: 9000 FHG of pornstar
Features: Over 1000 pornstar bio and pictures
Content Sources: The content is all industry-generated, no amateurs.
(+) Free porn
(+) A lot of pornstar biographie
(-) Fast search
(-) No downloadable videos
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