Official Site - Dailee
Dailee is a free porn site with elite Web 2.0 template and ajaxified user interface. Even though the site is stil in beta stage it is serving to thousands of visitors daily with its huge free porn videos. Games and Photos pages are still in progress.
On the contrary of the other well known free porn sites, Dailee has only a few undisturbing advertisements to make its users roam free in the site. Member control panel is very weak at the moment. Users cannot interact with each other which is a big minus for the site. However for the ones who wants pure videos in the site and leave as soon as possible, the site is an emerald.
User Experience
The problem I noticed at the site is that some videos can be played with progessive streaming some are not. Dont know the reason but I think it needs to be fixed. I can say that I enjoyed at the site as the videos are very qualified.
Site Detail
Price: Free.
Videos: Video is streamed. Over 10000 videos.
Pictures: HD pictures.
Features: Video content variety, Web2.0 interface, Undisturbing advertisements.
Content Sources: Brazzers and user generated videos.
(+) Free porn
(+) Clean and fast interface
(+) HD photography
(-) Not completed
(-) No high resolution videos
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