Official Site - Yoinkz
Yoinkz is a free porn video site that is simple to navigate and concentrates on providing free porn video. In the 21st century advances in web streaming technology made it possible to run websites that offered porn video to online users that was neither too grainy (unless it was by design) and was streamed at a speed that made it viewable even on relatively slow connections.
Websites like Yoinkz take full advantage of this offering a simple to navigate video gallery where video content is streamed from other sites. In the overworked, Web 2.0 age it is sometimes all too easy to over design a website resulting in a site that is too confusing to navigate for its users.
The simplicity of design seen in Yoinkz allows users to focus on what they are there to do which is to find a wide variety of free porn so there is no danger of being distracted by design elements here. Similarly navigation has been made intuitive and kept to basic layout and this, normally a detriment, is a strength on this site, testament perhaps to the fact that on a website what you leave out is every bit as important as what you put in.
User Experience
Yoinkz, unprepossessing domain name aside, is a straightforward website that is easy on the eye and easy to use. Simple, intuitive navigation, masses of content which is relevant to what the site about and no frills make this a site that, while it may not be outstanding and in the same class as Newsfilter or Heaven 666 it should, nevertheless, not be overlooked.
Site Detail
Price: Free.
Videos: Over 4000.
Pictures: None.
Features: Easy to navigate.
Content Sources: Industry generated.
(+) Free porn
(+) good organization
(-) No high resolution videos
(-) No photographs
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