Official Site - SexFind
SexFind is one of a growing number of Porn Tube search sites..
Rather than providing original content, it indexes multiple Tube sites, such as PornHub, and more, and embeds the videos on-page. This gives the ability to search for your preferences across multiple quality sites without having to skip between tabs.
Site Detail
Price: No Memberships. Free to use.
Terms: Free
Video formats: Videos are streamed. No downloads.
Photographs: There are no photographs on the site.
User Experience
While it is well constructed, and the search appears powerful and feels responsive, there is still a way to go to catch up with equivalent sites in the space. There are no user accounts, no commenting or saving favourites or other Web 2.0 features. The Tags and Pornstars indexes go some way to making up for this.
Site Detail
Price: Free
Videos: 10,000+ at time of writing, with an apparent rate of 100/hr being added
Pictures: Only Video Thumbnails
Features: Search (global), Pornstar Index, Tag Index
(+) Search several sites at once
(+) Clean interface, no intrusive ads
(+) Variable video quality
(+) Already a wide variety of niches
(-) Not many videos yet
(-) No user interaction
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